
Tuesday 19 February 2008

Affluent Poles return to Poland to buy property

Affluent Poles return to Poland to buy property. Surrey University believes this is a trend.

Three years after the opening up of the British job market, the Poles are beginning to return home – it was reported in the daily Metro.

Thousands of Poles moved to Gt. Britain, immediately after the job market was opened to the Poles. According to various information sources between 400,000 and a million Polish émigrés live in the U.K. However the most up to date British statistics shows that the direction of the flow of the Poles has begun to change, as they are increasingly returning home to Poland.

Metro, the daily newspaper, reports that generally those returning are young well qualified people, who went to the British Isles in search of their first jobs, money and experience. On returning to the country they intend to either invest their savings in a property or in setting up their own business.

Another positive news item is, that Poles are also increasingly reluctant to emigrate. As Metro reports, Poland’s economic revival and in particular the falling unemployment is convincing many Polish people to remain. – Many Poles see that the situation on the job market has changed for the better and that they can find jobs without leaving the country. Over time very many more should return – said Mr Michał Garapich from Surrey University, who has researched Polish emigration to the British Isles.

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